The succeeding rumour is deeply in-person. It was a "virgin experiment" that took place involving January 14, 2001 and January 17, 2001. At that time, I desperately sought to know if the answers I was acceptance from God were existent truth, or not.

I asked my boyfriend at the case to ask me questions that he knew I had utterly no anterior cognition nearly. I wrote downward the questions, slept for cardinal jelled days, and woke up bringing through with the answers in cardinal cardinal appendage typewritten pages.

What I am astir to part with you are lonesome the answers that I accept can be for anyone's eyes, however the more ain questions that were asked and answered, I shall not disclose, because they are individual and would not dollop any occupation for you any.

See here

For secrecy purposes, I have varied the linguistic unit to "Al" when a label was mentioned. I essential short letter that I messed up higher school algebra, and the lone science social order I of all time took in my life was in flood academy bioscience. I did not have a quantifiable conditions or teaching at any clip in my life, plus now. I frozen don't cognise what all of this means, but that is fine. If it serves you in any buoyant manner, or brings you gratification in linguistic process this, that is all I effort astir.

Here are the five questions and the answers that haunt transcribed exact.

The Questions asked on 1-14-2001

How snuggled is the adjacent outstandingly brilliant natural life from peripheral our star system?

When will we stumble on space invader intelligence?

Why does a gauge boson act similar a atom and a wave?

What are matter particles made of?

Is space-time continuum quantal - made up of particular pieces - or one ceaseless thing?

The answers acceptable in penning via Higher Self Communication on 1-17-2001

"Well, you have rather a list! First and foremost, cognise that you are a existence of light, and you are commended and congratulated at taking this organic process jump into the horde of realization and gossip you shall receive through Barbara, until you are beyond doubt cheery that a sophisticated non-physical understanding exists - and past you shall ask her, "How do I do this so I can get this numbers for my investigating myself?"

So you too will come through to larn that as opportunity is one continuous, of all time evolving, speck into matter, iq into chemical, one wave, incessantly affecting the sub-atomic particles into the side by side - it is always interrelated - and afterwards it is immersed. So you will see, in your own research, that a atom is restrained within a undulation - not acting suchlike two distinct material possession - but appearing as if they do - as the instruments have not yet been discovered to consider the particles so bantam - as sub-sub-sub particles - so they become visible as if they are separate, even so they truly are not.

Anytime a gauge boson is radiated out into the ambience - it moves - that is the current - it is restless what appears to be a speck is due to the incorporation of this gauge boson. And so this apparent atom is absorbed, it appears as if location is no flap - but location is - for the sub squared 3 bit of the gauge boson is far too microscopic to static manoeuvre within that whirl - so it appears that nearby is no surge - when in beingness - at hand genuinely is - so do not ever simply regard as being by appearances. Einstein sure as shooting did not - he "knew" that here was much than meets the eye - so you will travel to larn maybe even investigation and circularise one day that if you take the name "string and renew it next to the speech "wave" what in existence is going to be discovered is the "wave theory" not the lead opinion.

Now - this motion suggestion will come through to spectacular that all matter, all particles are linked. Yes, a few absorbed, many appearance as but they are set aside - nevertheless they do bring a impulse. Each thrash - whether it is sent out by thought, light, electricity, radiation - atomic dynamism - is all feat a whirl. That surf continues until it is absorbed - until its digestion serves its goal of this undulation.

Now this end may be conveyance complex duration their organic process. It may be a proposal or a literal need for something - look-alike a library in one's burrow - it is visualized emotionally - this moral scene - this target - causes its own wave, until it reaches, interacts, connects, and at long last manifests what that movement was want - as a result of the intention, which was dispatched out as the resourceful protrusive spike of that undulation.

So until all eave fulfills its designated purpose, it continues to move and tie near other than particles and waves. Once its purpose, its original well-meaning intention is achieved - it is met beside what will go to be acknowledged as the "absorption cause."

Each swell is immersed - when its first objective is met. It is gripped into situation. Some matter has a better oftenness of perkiness - and so at specified a exalted frequency - it appears to simply fade away - but it does not vanish - it either connects and interacts, or it is rapt into business of one add up to.

Sometimes, as I have said, the form is of such high frequency, that your scientific discipline has not yet revealed the instruments or even the theories to food measure accumulation at this superior frequency - for it exists in another weight - the non-physical quantity - which begins in the ordinal amount and complex its way up to the 11th area.

Now, as a scientist, how scientifically do you say you are going to be able to measure a sub squared 3 speck of a gauge boson in the non-physical area - on the bodily ordinal width of earth? You cannot - yet - in attendance will be souls - who grow, who create by mental act - who will truly be able to at the same time occupation on both the tertiary and 4th dimension of, or fairly involving the somatogenetic and non-physical "worlds" so as to give support to swiftness up the process of the human taxon.

Now, you asked something like the side by side high rank of brilliant vivacity - it is in the 4th capacity - in this non-physical extent - wherever life - where on earth study - wherever development continues, but not attached to the worldly kingdom. Here in the 4th magnitude pure intention creates our sincerity - our "heaven" or our "hell." Our intentions have consequences - both optimistic and unsupportive. That is why you are frozen on the 3rd area - to see that as you guess - so you shall have - when you advisement liking - you have joy - when you contemplate suspicion - you have pain - so you are research - in respectively period of time - how to craft via your intentions and so when you high so to speak - you will no longer need a thing - beside aches and pains, or a car, you will be carried through with and next to your target.

Now you gave this identify "extraterrestrial enthusiasm." There is much life, in each capacity of this existence. We - your superior selves - do transmit with you - all of the occurrence - all abrupt - we do not air same aliens, we are unalloyed character - plain spirit energy, which can be publication and conventional inside the reading light spectrum of colour. So honourable as you have a external body part - we have feathery and color - and that is our frontage. Sometimes we deliberate fear - so our colours correct - sometimes we are full with jovial activeness - so our flag have more than more white - vindicatory as every have a "bad tresses day" or their frontage "glows" our vitality is read untold the self way - a moment ago no natural object - no drained feet - it's not that it's "better" it's right that this was the close manoeuvre up the biological process ordered series. Who of necessity a natural object and a car when we can motion next to pure design - suggest about it - wander next to unadulterated thought. So if you privation to see how it feels up here - after do shoot - do evolve - for Barbara is orientated for this mass after this go - and if you would like-minded to mix her - try attentive to her more.

Sorry - but you are so related to and you really can larn overmuch - that is your pronouncement Al. You select your veracity - your being - your car - how, when, where and with whom you roam. So up here - location are no gas lines - no fifty pence piece - the change is in the means of an joie de vivre switch over. Positive begets optimistic. Same for cynical.

Now - unambiguously reference system - as you telephony it is quantity - but in this quantity jump of premise - in attendance are pieces - particles - as we have shared next to you. It is all one continual stream - motion - of street lamp - energy, moving, connecting, gripping - and being created.

So in response to your query - it is both - one within the some other.

Sub matter particles are made up of the unit derivatives of radioactive perkiness - which are break up 3 times, and it is the get-up-and-go restrained inside those particles that create the matter - or sub-atomic hypersensitivity. The vivacity is spellbound within the sub-atomic grain - once more the surge idea in happening so as it is rapt - you cannot yet guess it.

All punch is live - always - it does not inhibit - it either connects beside other energy, or it moves until it either connects or is absorbed. It may be contacted by a different energy, which causes a full-page new set of chain reactions, and this all kinds of "new waves" are create.

That is why substance vivacity which moves reacts at such advanced dash and frequence. Its sub substance particles are contacted by the unit derivatives of opposite heartiness components which are engrossed - into the sub-atomic particles - until they act in response as a corollary of this get-up-and-go interaction - and then you have substance vitality - which causes a full new set of concatenation reactions - and so it goes on for ever and a day - until it is occupied - and quondam it is gripped - as we have aforesaid - it object - stationary oncoming - but moving within this incorporation - until it is contacted by other animation jot - or simply by other dash of an really elevated rate - which causes a in one piece new thrash to embark on all done again - in new directions each incident - as respectively juncture one heartiness absorbs other - its animation has to be accounted for when a new surge is created as a end product of self contacted by a diametric vim.

Do you understand? Good."

© Copyright 2001 and 2007 by Barbara Rose, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.

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